Wednesday, August 26, 2009

one less med

Well I have decided to completely get off the anti depression med completely. I feel like m PTSD was almost entirely composed of the anxiety component and not the depression component and my anxiety has basically resolved. I told my therapist that we will see how things progress once I am off of it and if I feel I am getting worse then we will discuss something different. Other than that, not much new to report. I am slowly seeing progress with my hand each week. This last week I gained function in extending my middle finger. Not quite sure why only just that finger can be extended and not any other ones as anatomically based on how the nerves go it doesn't make sense why just that one has come back and not the others and the orthopedic surgeon didn't have any good answer but hey I will take any progress I can get. I can kind of flip people off now, maybe that was god's purpose in giving me that function back first. Who knows.


Heather said...

LOL... that's great. Now you can flip people off!! Keep up the good work!!

Debbie Dolash said...

wow - so much progress! I am so impressed. You will be up and running in no time now. Give Landen lots of love from us. Can't wait to see you again. Keep pushing along!Love Ya!

erica p said...

excellence. middle finger function! i had to laugh when i read this!! glad to hear progress is being made :) wahoo for you!!!!!