Wednesday, July 8, 2009

How Did It Happen?

Well, the long and short of it is I kind of know but I can't tell you. Don't you feel like you're in kindergarten again? Actually, for insurance reasons they want to make sure before I post anything here they have all of the details sorted out. Right now Lindsay's story is still a bit fuzzy from the morphine and her story and the trucker's story have a few differences they would like to try to clarify.

Here's what I can tell you:

Landen was in the warehouse and was never in any danger. When the trucker went to check on Lindsay he saw Landen and that's why he got him and was holding him when my parents arrived. Landen is fine and is right at this moment being spoiled and loved by his Grandma Jane.

Lindsay was crushed. This part of the story does not vary but from her injuries we already knew this anyway. The semi pinned her between the back of the semi and the loading dock. She is lucky to be alive.

At this point, the important part is that God is not finished with her yet and he saw fit to work through the paramedics and doctors to keep her alive and let her finish what great things he has planned for her.

The rest, is just details.


zipbagofbones said...

Thinking of you all!

Barry and Cheryl Holmes said...

I am a friend of Anna Wolvers who is praying for you and your family!
Cheryl Holmes

erica said...

amen. the rest is just details. She is the miracle! Praise God Landen was never in danger.

Another song for today:
Branden Heath- He's Not Finished with Me Yet

There is hope for me yet
Because God won't forget
All the plans He's made for me
I'll have to wait and see
He's not finished with me yet
He's not finished with me yet

I don't know how but I made it through
Just one of those things that you gotta do
I always had a knack for telling the truth

Still wondering why I'm here
Still wrestling with my fear
But oh, He's up to something
And the farther on I go
I've seen enough to know that I'm not here for nothing
He's up to something

He's not finished with me yet
He's not finished with you yet
He's not finished with us yet

Thank you Lord for answering our prayers and showing your awesome works. We give you praise.

Jaime said...

God is GREAT! I am so thankful she's doing better and she's awake. Our prayers are working - Thank you LORD!! :)