Tuesday, July 14, 2009

July 14th 6:00 PM

Well, Lindsay had an eventful afternoon after her magic soup. Erica informs me that her and Lindsay have bonded on a whole new level after today. She was there for Lindsay when she had some intestinal issues and also there to rescue her J.P. tube from between her legs a few times.

Good girl bonding I think!! :-)

Also, her friend Melissa visited her this afternoon. Lindsay was telling Melissa how she had just gotten the staples out of her arm. She then proceeded to inform her that she did still have staples in her stomach though and then she showed her.




First she didn't feel well, then she sat down, next thing they know she was lying on the floor about to pass out. For the first time in her hospital stay Lindsay had to use her hospital call button to call for help for someone other than her self.

The nurse came in and offered her a cold compress but Melissa declined and eventually was able to remove herself from the hospital floor. I hope she sanitizes those clothes when she gets home....

I guess the nurse came back after about a half an hour not to check on Lindsay but to check on Melissa. I'm pretty sure she may never live that one down. :-O

Other than that, Lindsay did a full lap around the 5th floor and when I got off the phone with Erica she was ordering her own meal for dinner. So I would say this is a HUGE improvement off of where she was yesterday and even this morning.

Hopefully this is her turning a corner and they can finally get her pain managed and she can get about the business of getting herself better.


erica said...

HAHAHA! Game, set, match. sorry esh I couldn't resist.

and you really had to report about my j tube experience. oui. it definately trumps your "sisterly love".

today was an awesome afternoon! keep it up Griff!

Wolvers said...

I'd probably be right there with you Esh, I don't do blood and gorie things either!!! Nursing is definitely not in my career field. I can hardly handle it when kids loose teeth in the classroom. Glad to hear she's up and walking and eating. Way to go Wegs helping her out also.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Esh, sounds like me. As when my husband had surgery on his knee, he was showing me the IV and everything, and passed out..they didn't let me leave the hospital w/Nick, and I think his doctor was more concerned for me rather than my husband. Luckily my sister, Lynsi, was close and was able to give us the OK to leave. Ha! Not good. I looked worse than my husband, still have pictures too. To show my son, Dawson, why his Mom can't see that kind of stuff!

Glad to hear you're making a great effort w/all the walking. You're doing wonderful, Lindsay! We're all so proud of you!

Lacie 'White' Haynes

Anonymous said...

Hugs to Esh! What a riot! I never would have imagined that from her after all her years on the farm. I think it was a sympathy spell. LOL
Mary Johnson