Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July 8th, 9:00 AM

Lindsay had a really good night. My mom said they gave her another nebulizer treatment at midnight and they were in most of the night rolling her, moving her, changing dressings, etc.

She did sit up for about 5 minutes per her request because she didn't want bed sores. This morning she does not remember anything from Thursday night to yesterday but she does remember that I was there yesterday and back again today.

She looks good, she is awake, although groggy from the morphine. They were going to apply this moisturizer stuff to her mouth and she told the nurse she hated it and just wanted to have water on a sponge.

So she got said water and said sponge and Lindsay's next words were can't you get me some cold water?

Demanding little shit isn't she??

It is so great to have her personality coming back and now our next step is just for them to keep watching her and make sure all of her internal organs wake back up and start functioning properly.

Once that happens hopefully they will be able to move her out of ICU and she can begin more of her recovery.


Steve Riley said...

Nice job of keeping us posted, Heather! Your sister will be proud of you!

Steve Riley, Partner
Triple Crown Nutrition
Wayzata, MN.

vrazz said...

well, I'm actually with Lindsay on this one... If you're gonna get a drink for someone, (esp one who's mouth is parched) may as well make it cold!
Then again, drs do make the worst patients :)