Saturday, July 11, 2009

July 11th, 3:00 PM

Doctor watch 2009 continues....

He was on the floor, they were moving Lindsay he said he would come back.

He was on the floor, there was a trauma he was called away.

Maybe we will see him by 5:00?? Or 6?? Or 7??

In the mean time she continues on food strike, getting grumpier by the minute.


Anonymous said...

I have been praying for you since I heard about your accident. Glad to hear you are doing better. PLEASE let me know if there is anything I can do for you!

God Bless-
Michelle Wiedman (Sprague)

Danette said...

Lindsay, stay strong & Stay positive. Praying for you.

giggles said...

HAHAHAHAHA! doctor watch, food strike.. you are so funny! and grumpy doesn't begin to describe it-- but we love her anyway!