Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July 7th, 1:30 PM

Lindsay had another nebulizer treatment at 12:30 and she tolerated it well. Thus far the orthopedic doctor has not been back yet and she is pretty concerned about it and keeps asking when he will be there. We are hoping it is soon.

The MRI is scheduled for a little after 5:00 but we may not know the results until sometime tomorrow.

They have also started feeding her today. They left the tube in that goes down her nose and into her stomach and they started giving her some liquid nutrients. So hopefully that will help her to gain some strength and after the MRI comes back they will be able to sit her up.

She has been on quite a bit of morphine so far 21.6 mg since they started her at 9:30 this morning so she has been pretty out of it.

Please keep your prayers coming. She is getting better, slowly but surely.

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