Monday, July 13, 2009

July 13th, 7:00 PM

Just talked to Mom, hunger strike 2.0 is now officially on again. Once they got back from their walk she was apparently "too tired" to even think about food. So when dinner came instead of eating she just sat there and looked at it. Mom said she tried to get her to eat but Lindsay refused.

So, the nurses brought in a scale for motivation. If she looses any more weight they are going to shove the tube down her nose. When I talked to Mom she said that Dad was now on duty and it was his job to try to get her to eat.

Right now she is not in a good place. She is anxious and tired and hurting and really angry at the world and everyone in it. She needs a good cry and a scream and maybe a hit of the pillow.

As a consolation prize they have ordered her a sleeping pill for this evening in the hopes that if she is able to get some good sleep she may arise on the other side of the bed tomorrow morning as a much happier person.

Prayers and good wishes would be greatly appreciated. She is having a REALLY bad day and I'm very hopeful that perhaps with a good nights sleep and a few healing prayers she can emerge through this dark cloud to see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

1 comment:

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

Lindsay you are in our prayers every night. You have come a long way... and I am sorry that you are having a rough mental go of it right now. stay strong.