Saturday, July 11, 2009

July 11th, 1:00 PM

We are still waiting on the doctors to come down and tell her what they are going to do with her. They just moved her to a bigger room N555 which is now farther down the hall and farther away from the waiting room. Not so great for all of us but better for Tim and any one who is actually in her room.

Her self diagnosis is that she has pancreatitis and that she shouldn't eat so that her pancreas can heal. According to that website she is right about treatment but we are unsure if she is correct in her self diagnosis.

Dr. Google tells me there can be great complications with pancreatitus but it is also treatable. Before this is over I will have a medical degree from Google University. :-)

Right now she is getting settled into her new room and cussing out any of us who dares to suggest she eat or drink anything or perhaps even just look at her the wrong way.

Please keep the prayers coming for her continued healing through this rough period in her recovery.

1 comment:

erica said...

i'm glad she had nothing to throw at me today-- however I did get a kick out of how she tattled on me to the doctors! :D LOVE YOU LINDSAY!! Can't is NOT in your vocabulary, you know I'm right!