Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July 8th, 3:15 PM

They are moving her to a room!!

We are packing up and my next post will be made from where ever we manage to move all of this junk to.

Anyone want to come help us move?? We've been here 6 days... we've got a lot of crap!!


Bird's Eye View Photography said...

YEAH! That is GREAT news!!

Danette Forest said...

Awesome news. We are happy that your "moving" day is here. Let us know details when you can.

Anonymous said...

That's fantastic news! Please let her know that Steve, Pierce, Braeden and I have been keeping up to date and thinking about her constantly. We're thrilled to know she's fighting hard, and hope to see her soon!


Anonymous said...

Heather, Fantastic news. Congratulations Lindsay.
It looks like I left at just the right time, There is a tremendous amount of food, etc that has been sustaining the family these past 6 days, not to mention blankets, pillows, and suitcases. I just hope that they have a room large enough for all of it and you too. Ha ha. don't forget to take all of the pictures of Landon and the angels.
Aunt Cindy

Julie Shapiro said...


I am so glad to hear that you are getting better every day and getting into a room!!! I am thinking of you!!!! You are definitely a fighter!