Friday, July 17, 2009

July 17th, 7:00 AM

Lindsay had a bit of a rough night but this has become common for her so she's kind of used to it. Her back and her stomach were bothering her quite a bit. My mom was concerned that perhaps with the pain she experiences at night she might not be ready to go home just yet. The doctor in her answered:

"We send people home with pain all of the time. It's normal. I'll be fine."

So now it's a waiting game. She was up this morning, did some walking, did a few stairs, sat in the lobby for awhile. Just trying to get up, get moving and get better. She is hopeful the doctors will be in sometime this morning to make the decision on where she will spend her weekend.

From what I understand, if the trauma surgeons sign off on her going home, she will be going home. If they say she can leave the hospital but should stay around here she will be going to my parents house. If they say she must say, she will obviously be staying. Either in that room or in Younkers.

So... now we wait....

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