Saturday, July 4, 2009

July 4th, 9:45 PM

I just went in to see Lindsay. She has developed a low grade fever as her body tries to heal from all of the surgery. Please pray that the fever will resolve its self and that there will be no infection.

Other than that, they have her heavily sedated to try to get her some rest. They tried to lower the settings on her ventilator tonight but she didn't tolerate it very well so she is now on full ventilator settings but only 30% oxygen so even though she is not breathing on her own she is at least tolerating the oxygen being lowered.

Tomorrow they are hoping to try to wean her off of full ventilation and try to start lowering the settings. Please keep the good thoughts and prayers coming.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

As I read this blog several times a day to keep up and check out the facebook page I pray that in a few short months or less Lindsay reads all this and chuckles from all our worry; as though she knew everything was okay all along.

For now....I am worried....but mostly prayerful!